Getting Off Campus Opportunities at Top Product Based Companies / FAANGM and Converting them into Offers

About the Webinar

In this session, you will understand the different strategies you can use to get off-campus interviews at top product-based companies and how to effectively use resources to understand the whole process and land an offer.

I will share the strategies and insider tips that can significantly enhance your chances of landing interviews at renowned product-based companies. I will demystify the complex and competitive off-campus interview landscape, equipping you with the knowledge and resources necessary to stand out from the competition.

Whether you're a student or a working professional with up to 2 years of experience, this session will be extremely insightful for you.

Key Takeaways from the Session

  • Strategies for securing off-campus interviews
  • Effective use of resources for off-campus recruitment
  • Successful techniques for remote interviews
  • Negotiation strategies for job offers

About Me:

  • I am a Software Engineer at Microsoft with 3+ years of experience in the industry.
  • I am passionate about helping people to land their dream jobs and making sure the process is fun, filled with learning, and not hectic or stressful.
  • I have expertise in problem-solving, iOS Development, SQL, data visualization, predictive analytics using Python, etc.

Who should attend this Mentorship Session?

  • Freshers preparing for product-based company interviews.
  • People who want to switch domains.
  • People who are actively appearing for product-based roles.