How Pratik Overcame Rejections and Got Placed at Samsung

Join Pratik on his inspiring journey from interview struggles to landing his dream job at Samsung, guided by mentor-led preparation.



In the competitive world of job interviews and placements, sometimes all you need is a guiding hand to turn things around. 

Meet Pratik, a recent graduate struggling to crack interviews and secure his dream job.

However, his life took a positive turn when he connected with a mentor who proved to be a game-changer.💫

Here Pratik shares his preparation journey, the valuable insights he gained from his mentor and his eventual success in landing a job at Samsung.

How did you start your interview preparation, and did you have any specific goals in mind initially?

I began my interview preparation with coding tests, and it went relatively smoothly. 

But as I progressed to actual interviews, I faced rejection after rejection. 

I felt lost and wasn't sure what was going wrong

That's when my parents suggested seeking help from an expert. 

They found a great mentor through Preplaced, but I was initially hesitant. 

But it turned out to be a wise decision! 

My mentor, Naveen Singh, shared valuable tips on presenting myself and acing interviews. :)

Before connecting with your mentor, what were your challenges, and how did he help you through the process?

I had some difficulties with resume rejections despite having a good CGPA. 

It was confusing because people with lower CGPAs were getting selected!

This is when I reached out to Naveen, and he became a true guiding light.😊

He advised me to work on side projects and enhance my problem-solving skills.

He taught me how to study Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) effectively and shared brief notes to review before interviews.

His help significantly boosted my confidence during interviews.✨

How long was the process, and how often did you interact with your mentor? How was the communication?

The mentorship spanned a few months, and we had about three sessions. 

Due to scheduling conflicts, sometimes there were delays between sessions, but it wasn't an issue. 

Whenever we connected, Naveen was well-prepared and dedicated to helping me. 

I contacted him frequently with my doubts, and he was always responsive and supportive

We developed a good rapport, which made the learning experience even better. :)

After the mentorship, did you notice any changes in your interview performance? How was your overall experience?

The change was clear after just a couple of interviews post-mentorship

I discussed my previous interviews with my mentor, and he pointed out my mistakes and areas for improvement. 

Armed with his advice, I went into the next interviews with more confidence. 

And it paid off! 

I felt better prepared to handle the questions and respond effectively. 

His insights were invaluable in helping me crack those interviews.✨

Congratulations on landing a job at Samsung! Could you tell us about the interview rounds and the team you'll join?

Thank you! 

The interview process at Samsung comprised two rounds—a technical interview and an online coding assessment. 

After clearing these rounds, I was offered to join the FTS (Field Test System) team. 

I'm thrilled to be a part of Samsung, and it's a dream come true for me.💫

Now that you've completed your placement and landed your dream job, how do you feel about the experience?

It's an incredible feeling, honestly.😊

Throughout the journey, I knew I had to keep working hard and not give up. 

My mentor's guidance gave me the confidence to face any question or challenge during interviews. 

I learned to approach problems differently, and that helped me stand out from other candidates. 

I'm grateful for this experience; it has made me believe in myself even more.

As a successful candidate, what tips would you like to share with others preparing for interviews or job switches?

While many will tell you to study hard (which is essential), remember this golden line my parents shared with me: "Do your best, and the rest will take care of itself." 

Embrace rejections as a learning opportunity, and don't lose hope. 

Believe in yourself, work smart, and success will follow!


Pratik’s journey is an inspiring tale of perseverance and the power of mentorship. 

From struggling with interviews to landing his dream job, Pratik's story proves that success is attainable with the right guidance and a positive attitude. 

So, to all aspiring candidates, remember Pratik's tips and keep moving forward with determination and confidence. 

Your dream job could be just around the corner!

Book a free 1:1 trial mentoring session with a professional mentor here.

Note: Mentee’s name has been changed for confidentiality purposes.

Read further:

Likhith’s Path to His Dream Software Engineer Job With 50% Hike

Conquering Campus Placements: Harshita’s Mentorship Journey